August 5, 2009

The Unseen Poverty

Mother Teresa:”We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.”
we’re always finding out more about this.
all the different types of poverties.
i’m going to be praying about them. that my eyes are open to them

1 comment:

  1. so i just returned from a mission trip to chicago. and after every trip and every life experience, it becomes all the more evident to me that the faces of poverty are so vast. I met this beautiful lady at lunch named teresa. And she and her husband liked camping. And this man named Philip liked Michael Jackson. Good music. But thinking about it, as i looked around the soup kitchen, all those beautiful faces were so very different. Each has a beautiful story that can be and is being transformed by God. And each person has their reason for being there. And poverty, as you see more of it and experience it, is not always just of money. Poor in faith. Poor in self-confidence. Poor in hope. Poor in life. Poor in family. Poor in kindness. And sadly i think all these less apparent poverties are what lead up to the evident type- poor in money. Because of so many peoples’ poor spirit of compassion or giving, the more evident poverty exists. Because of your and my poverty of self-sacrifice and richness of selfish ambition does the monetary poverty exist. So I guess this week i’ll be searching for the many faces of poverty. one that has especially stuck out to me is the poverty in teen girls of self confidence and self-worth and beauty. As i see it in other girls, i don’t exactly know what has caused it for each one (all happen for different reasons), but i recognize it as a type of cause. A cause just as large as the need for food. Beautiful girls who somehow get lied to and convinced that they need to be a certain way. That is a poverty i have noticed lately. I’ll be praying.

    So continue searching for the poverty. Let’s get to the root- to the poverty that causes it all- the poverty of truth. When people believe lies and are deprived of truth. Look for the lies. Blot them out. Replace them with truth. And although we may become poor in money, we will be rich in all things true
