June 22, 2010

The Year of the Lord's Favor. Now.

And He stood up in the synagogue and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written:
"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."
Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down.

this is just the blurb. We can't put the whole essay otherwise you wouldn't read the book that will come after it:)

June 12, 2010

A Praise the Lord: The Earth House

praise the Lord! he orchestrates everything! so today i had a meeting with Brad at the Earth House. i prayed real quick before i left me house that God would just orchestrate the whole meeting and show me if the Earth House was the space we were supposed to use for the event. So get a load of this:
Originally, the date ...we were shooting for was the 14th of August was booked, so we were going to go with the 13th instead. But! while talking to Brad, he told us that actually the fourteenth IS available. He literally said that seconds after we agreed that the 13th would be a good alternate date, he got an email from the people who had the 14th booked, saying that they weren't going to have the event at the Earth House.... oh my god's goodness! i had been praying about the date so much! god is so amazing!!! confirmation much? yes. praise God for his constant direction and boldness and clearness. praise the Lord!

we might need people to help us sponsor the evening financial-wise, so! if you're interested, let me know and we'd be so so so so grateful! thank you guys for following what God's doing with this and just having an ear!

June 2, 2010

Writing Matters.

So lately satan's been trying to feed me this lie that says that writers and photographers and poets aren't really doing anything with what they do- that because they're not directly, tangibly serving the poor, their writings are not accomplishing anything.
Well. That's a lie.
It's another treadmill Satan's got us stuck on. Round and round of "You should be accomplishing more." No satan.
The writing of Paul has inspired me to do life differently. The writing of C.S. Lewis has taught me how to follow Jesus better. The solitude of prayer will teach me patience and guide me to not run around the world trying to do everything like I'm a chicken with my head cut off.
Writing creates a reminder. So no, satan. I can accomplish something by writing words in a journal.
And that's just what we'll do. And then we'll publish it. And then whole world will see it and write too. And our light will rise in the darkness, and our night will become like the noon day sun. The Lord will guide us always. He will satisfy our needs, strengthen our frame, water where we've planted, and raise up age-old foundations. We will be called Repairer of Broken Walls. Restorer of Streets with dwellings. We will not speak idle words, but our words will spring up with joy from the mouth of the Lord.
What we write matters.
Ode to the forgotten.

(by Sarah Hensley)