June 12, 2010

A Praise the Lord: The Earth House

praise the Lord! he orchestrates everything! so today i had a meeting with Brad at the Earth House. i prayed real quick before i left me house that God would just orchestrate the whole meeting and show me if the Earth House was the space we were supposed to use for the event. So get a load of this:
Originally, the date ...we were shooting for was the 14th of August was booked, so we were going to go with the 13th instead. But! while talking to Brad, he told us that actually the fourteenth IS available. He literally said that seconds after we agreed that the 13th would be a good alternate date, he got an email from the people who had the 14th booked, saying that they weren't going to have the event at the Earth House.... oh my god's goodness! i had been praying about the date so much! god is so amazing!!! confirmation much? yes. praise God for his constant direction and boldness and clearness. praise the Lord!

we might need people to help us sponsor the evening financial-wise, so! if you're interested, let me know and we'd be so so so so grateful! thank you guys for following what God's doing with this and just having an ear!

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