February 23, 2010

Too. Much. Noise

For the people who hurt us
And the people who have been hurt
For the loved
And those who judge themselves to the point they don't believe they can be
For the hopeful
And those who think they're no longer able
to climb the gym rope and make it to the top.
You don't have to.
"he has sent me… to set the oppressed free."
For those who have no job
And don't believe they'll ever get one.
"whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it
 and it will be yours"
An elderly woman once said
"You just have to believe that He's done it and it's done."

So for those who have failed to believe.
Who have lost nearly all their sight to see
"He has sent me
To proclaim recovery of sight for the blind."
So are you having trouble seeing
Having trouble being
The man
The woman
The daughter, father, wife, husband, mother, listener, sister, or friend...
That you're called to be?
Well. you can't do it alone.
That's for sure.
Cause I've tried and tried and tried
 and tried
And I've seen the mix of pride and overconfident invincibility
And have found
That I can't do this thing.
This thing called life.
Cause I've tried
And tried and tried
And always getting in the way
Of my day to day glories to God
Of the "I'll praise you not myself" attitude
Is something overwhelmingly, ridiculously rude.
I've decided that I'm rude.
I'm selfish a lot of the time.
I have things much better to think about than what I normally do.
If I did this alone, I would not be fit to praise
"Charm is deceptive
And beauty is fleeting
But a woman who fears the lord is to be praised."
Not independent but dependent
Not everlasting beauty but everlasting life.
Fear of the lord not fear of rejection
Will we do this alone
Or will we ask him for help.
Choice one: go solo
Go solo and fail
Which brings us to choice two because failing one leads to two
Just see God from the beginning
"and all these things will be given to you as well"
Cause without him, we're making our own hell
End up
Asking for
Answers Help
When he would have just given them to us in the first place.
So. For those feeling trapped. In a hamster's wheel.
A never ending system
Going round
And round and up and down and across and wide and to the gas station five times cause you need a refill and you're tank's not big enough for all the load you've put on your plate and the overflow from other people telling you to eat their portions too. Are you beginning to feel perpetually-
"He has sent me to proclaim… freedom for the prizoners."
So go home and kick off your shoes
No- slip them off cause it's time to relax.
There is renewal in silence
And patience
And bare feet.
So he can wash them.
It's hard to wash feet when your socks are on.
Dust off your listening ears.
And shake off the bitterness and tension from a past of years
And all the people who formed all your fears
Their voices in your head yelling expectations of you.
Just shake
And pray in your talking voice
in a room shut away
Until you have nothing
 left in your
Empty it out to the last drip drop. Nothing left but
 God's voice
Whispering sweet everythings.

There Might
Have Just
Been Too Much


 for you to hear him.

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