About Ode

Paul tells the Corinthians that he did not come to them with superior words and wisdom that they could not understand. He came to them speaking what they would understand.

Would you walk up to someone knowing that they don't speak your language, and begin speaking in your language to them?

If we're trying to reveal freedom to the millions of spiritually and physically poor, and we don't speak their language, we won't be effective, no matter how hard we try and how excited we are about the freedom we're sharing.

Millions of people today are physically, emotionally, and spiritually poor. And our goal is to speak their language.

Among the generations are people who speak (or think they speak) a totally different language than the common church. Sometimes shut out. Often shut down. But (thankfully) never shut up.

They're called the creative.

Life as a form of expression. Never being able to resist the urge to create, mold, and paint life in a different way.

They're called the hopeful.

And we speak their language.

Our Mission:
Ode to the Forgotten informs people about physical and emotional poverty and inspires them to use their talents to become passionate about eradicating those poverties. Then, through partner organizations, we equip them with the resources they need to transform that passion into tangible service.
We aim to ignite an international passion for the eradication of physical and emotional poverty.

How do we accomplish this?

INFORM- Through writings, photography, art, etc submitted by people from all around the world who have a heart for emotional and physical poverty (and we most them on the blog, share them at performances and eventually in the form of a book).

If you'd like to submit a work about emotionally or physical poverty, check out http://odetotheforgotten.blogspot.com/p/opportunities-to-participate.html
If you'd like to get inspired at an ODE event, check out our Events page for the next one! (odetotheforgotten.blogspot.com/p/events.html)

INSPIRE- Our message is that there is hope amidst poverty and freedom amidst suffering. Every event may be convicting, but is sure to be uplifting. Don't let the fact that you can't do everything stop you from doing something. We are called to be free and to free.

EQUIP-  Realizing that we can't end poverty alone, we're partnering with other organizations where people can get involved eradicating a poverty that they identify with- that speaks their language and resonates with them. There are hundreds of types of poverty, millions of people who want to help, and an overwhelmingly beautiful amount of organizations working to eradicate them. We hope to connect the dots.

We find our true freedom from poverty in Jesus Christ. He is the answer to every type of poverty. He loves, so we love. He gave, we give. If you were wondering why we do this, that is why... He has given us creative gifts and we are overjoyed to use them to paint, write, and photograph a new reality for current poverties.

And we'd love for you to join us.

(note: no matter whether you're a jesus-lover or not, you're creative... and we need you too.)

Poverty comes in all shapes and sizes.

And so does freedom.

Let's speak the world's language.

Ode to the Forgotten.