
Ode's Get-Rid-of-Stuff-a-Thon!
May 1st, 2011 - May 31st, 2011

Ode is kicking off our summer of fundraising with our Get-Rid-of-Stuff-a-thon! What is that you might ask? It's a cool way for you to get rid of stuff while, at the same time, helping Ode raise money to kick poverty to the curb more effectively!

How can you help?
Pledge a garage sale to the cause. Have a garage sale and let everyone who shops know where the profits are going- to a cool organization that is trying to use their talents to make a difference in peoples' lives and hearts.

We all know that we have excess stuff that we have been waiting to get rid of and that someone else could use! Now is the time to put that spring cleaning to a good cause!

Email us ( and let us know you're having a garage sale. We'll email you flyers about Ode's mission, and you let us know if you want us to advertise the sale on the Ode blog!
Then, when the sale is over, mail your donation to us at
Ode to the Forgotten
P.O. Box 539
Fishers, IN 46037

Let's get rid of some stuff!

Your monetary donations will go to:
  • 50% of every donation goes to our partner organizations.Without them, we are just talking the talk.
  • Funding Ode events, where people experience poverty in a new way, and where we equip them to act on their passion for poverty and start making a difference!
  • Administrative needs that keep Ode running and growing!
  • Helping Ode become a 501c3 organization, so that next time you donate to us, you can write it off! :)
  • Ultimately, making a difference in our local and global community by inspiring a passion for the impoverished and getting people to do something about it!

(Feel free to invite your friends to have a garage sale as well!)


Event March 26th!

When: Saturday March 26th, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Where: Northview Church (In North Beach Building... the one with the palm trees:)
              12900 Hazel Dell Parkway
              Carmel, IN 
Who: People of all ages are welcome. Feel free to bring a friend! (Or two or five or... you get the picture:)
Admission: No admission charge but donations always appreciated:)

Through mediums such as poetry, art, video, and music, the Ode to the Forgotten Event will open your eyes to the realities of emotional and physical poverty in our world in a creative way. it's not just an event, it's an experience. We realize that poverty isn't just monetary. It's not always something you can see. But with these poverties, we know that eradication is a reality. And there is a hope that can be found amidst them. Hope you'll come experience it! Everyone is welcome! Check out the preview below of a poem that's going to be at the event!


Monthly Focus for October:
This month we are looking for a picture to put on the front of a postcard we are making... and we need your help! This postcard will be a general information postcard about what Ode to the Forgotten is and how people can get involved.

Likewise, the picture could be of anything that relates to or exemplifies an emotional or physical poverty, or just a nice background picture (brick, dilapidated wood, whatever catches your eye really... :) Send it in and we'll see what we get and put one on the post card! We'd love to have all the pictures in to choose from by October 20th so we can get these cards out into the world to tell people about Ode!

Thanks for your help and if you have any questions or need further explanation, feel free to email us at


 Thanks to all who came out for Hearts & Pockets!
Saturday night was beautiful. Thank you thank you to all who came! I am so excited for what is happening- God is helping us show people the beautiful purpose and hope in suffering, while at the same time stretching our own faith.

About 65-80 people showed up for the performance and experience, and even though i didn't get to see the performance (being behind the stage) even just talking with people afterward was such a blessing. There were so many instances where God brought amazing people to meet and share with and learn from- an artist from Lafayette, two Taylor University graduates who heard about it on KLove, a representative from the Andy Project who happened to be at the Earth House hanging out.... God has so many fruitful appointments for us daily, if only we are open to them. Whoever was there was who God wanted to be there! He is good! He has such good connections! If you think about it, he made everyone, and he has given everyone different resources, so if you ever need anything, just pray for God to bring you the right person who can help provide it or show you how to get what you need. He's so connected! Praise him for the people and hearts we encountered that night!

A woman who attended the event recently wrote a blog article about Ode and the event. Check it out!

We are currently praying about where to go next! My personal desire is that Hearts & Pockets isn't just a one-time thing and that it's not just in Indy, but we'll see where God takes us! It's his plan, not ours! Keep sending in things you write, read, draw, photograph! You guys are amazing!

Hearts & Pockets
When: August 14th. 
            8:00pm - 10:00 pm
               (Doors open 7:30)
Where: The Earth House
              237 N. East Street. Indianapolis, IN       46204
Who:  You and anyone you would like to bring.

Poverty isn't just lack of money. It's a lack of anything necessary for true life. Lack of self-confidence. Lack of food. Lack of companionship. Lack of water. Lack of housing. Lack of hope. A certain poverty may lie in each of us. Seen or unseen. There's a need that needs to be filled, and we are called to fill those needs.
Not just one of us. We can't try to fill the needs of the world all by ourselves.
It's going to take all of us.
So. boldly. Let's take a look at our world. Take a look at the needs- seen and unseen- that are across the earth and right in our backyards.
And let's do something about it.
 Hearts and Pockets is a night of information and inspiration, an experience that will open eyes to all types of poverty around us and explain how to get involved in the Ode movement. Throughout the night, there will be poetry, music, videos, and stories, and an awesome fair-trade coffee shop. Hearts and Pockets isn't just a performance- it's an experience. Everything has a purpose.
We hope that, through this night, people will see how to use their talents to help eradicate all types of poverty.

Hearts and Pockets also functions as a CD release of the Ode to the Forgotten CD- an original CD of poetry, song, and an explanation of how to get involved with Ode to the Forgotten.
For more info on the CD, check out

Poverty isn't just monetary. It resides in both hearts and pockets.
Ode to the Forgotten.
We'd love for you to come!!!

Admission: just pick ONE of the following
- at least 1 non-perishable (non-expired:) food item for donation to local food pantries. (mainly Fishers United Methodist Church's pantry
- at least 1 new/gently used clothing item for donation to Wheeler Mission
- at least $1 for Horizon International Inc.

When in doubt, just come:)

and check out our blog!!!
it's got all the info

and invite your friends and acquaintances! Anyone is invited:)

any questions email us at
