Poverty isn't just lack of money. It's a lack of anything necessary for true life. Lack of self-confidence. Lack of food. Lack of companionship. Lack of water. Lack of housing. Lack of hope. A certain poverty may lie in each of us. Seen or unseen. There's a need that needs to be filled.
Because we are human and because we are lovers of God, we are called to fill those needs. Not just one of us. You can't try to fill the needs of the world all by yourself.
It's going to take all of us.
So. boldly. Let's take a look at our world. Take a look at the needs- seen and unseen- that are across the earth and right in our backyards.
And let's do something about it.
Ode to the Forgotten is hosting Hearts and Pockets, a night of information and inspiration, an experience that will open eyes to all types of poverty around us and explain how to get involved in the Ode movement. Throughout the night, there will be poetry, music, videos, and stories, and an awesome fair-trade coffee shop. Hearts and Pockets isn't just a performance- it's an experience. Everything has a purpose.
We hope that, through this night, people will see how to use their talents to help eradicate all types of poverty.
Poverty isn't just monetary. It resides in both hearts and pockets.
Ode to the Forgotten.
We'd love for you to come!!!
Admission: just pick ONE of the following
- at least 1 non-perishable (non-expired:) food item for donation to local food pantries. (mainly Fishers United Methodist Church's pantry http://www.fishersumc.org/templates/System/details.asp?id=41317&PID=524694)
- at least 1 new/gently used clothing item for donation to Wheeler Mission
- at least $1 for Horizon International Inc.
When in doubt, just come:)
and check out our blog!!! odetotheforgotten.blogspot.com
it's got all the info
and invite your friends and acquaintances! Anyone is invited:)